Friday, November 21, 2008

surfing graphics the nuts and bolts

Duke Kahanamoku, an Olympic star in swimming, popularized the sport further by traveling internationally and showing off his surfing style to thrilled audiences around the world. Like most sports, the best way to learn to surf is to do it.

Remember the more flotation, the easier it will be to stand up but it will be harder to push through the waves and get out the back. Always follow the rules. You can find a private surf instructor by simply searching the internet for a surf instructor in the area in which you want to learn how to surf, they will surely be knowledgeable about all regional beaches and together you will choose the surf break best suited for you.

The techniques. how to paddle, getting into the lineup, how to get up on your board, how to ride a wave, duck-diving, plus so much more. Get fit and spend time in the pool if you need to. In case you don't know, a mal is short for malibu which is a long board with a rounded nose, usually around 9 ft long.

Practise is the key to surfing, and where many beginners fail. Now, get out there.

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