Saturday, June 13, 2009

stand up paddle surfing are great for beginners

It's great because anywhere there are waves, chances are people surf them in one form or another. The Polynesians began the sacred ritualistic sport here more than 500 years ago.

Your first board can really be the breaking point when it comes to whether you will pick up the sport or quit in frustration, many of us see the pros riding on their slick 6ft short boards slamming the lip and making it look like not only a hell of a lot of fun but also a real easy thing to do. Tom Blake, founder of the Pacific Coast Surf Championships that ended with the onset of war in 1941, was the first man to photograph surfing from the water. Others feel that longboards are great for learning, but after a year or two, a no longer newbie surfer can get more out of shortboard or a fish or a fun board.

If he can do lip tricks like lip slides and airs then he is a good surfer. Depending on how serious you are about the sport, you ll be able to choose from surfing lessons of a couple of hours at a time to surfing clinics and camps for more intensive training. If you have someone that catches the wave and kind of waits for it to pick up you will see them gain speed fast and then just launch out of the wave like a rocket.

With so many boards out there to choose from, it will help to keep certain parameters in mind to narrow down your search. So your fully decked out in your wettie, got your board and it's all waxed up and ready to go!

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