Friday, June 19, 2009

surfing the net with kids - stick to the fundamentals

People in Hawaii made huge wood boards and would get in the water and paddle themselves out in the water and then paddle and ride the waves as they broke over the shallow sand or reefs. Thinking of buying a new board or are you learning to surf.

Test the water first, you might be able to get away with board shorts, but I would recommend a rash vest also. They are all relevant, and will not only keep you safe but may stop you from injuring others or damaging your own equipment. Another good reason to not go it alone initially is because surfing, like any sport, can be dangerous for the uninitiated.

Ask people who have had lessons with the school. If you have someone that catches the wave and kind of waits for it to pick up you will see them gain speed fast and then just launch out of the wave like a rocket. The ideal boards to learn to surf on would be 8-9 ft, and wider than usual.

In the early stages of your surfing career this is definitely the place to be. Take note of where you should be surfing before you go out, and make sure you stick to it when you are out.

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