Friday, June 26, 2009

surfing magazine - surfing how to

A crowded beach with large, aggressive waves and experienced surfers is not where you will want to attempt surfing for the first time, it will be a very daunting experience and probably discourage you. The best way to learn how to surf is first hand, so after reading this article, go out there and surf, surf, surf.

That would be horrible to have to carry a piece of wood down the beach until you got to your spot and then you jump in the water and the water just water logs the wood surfboard that is the main reason why I can see why people changed the surfboard. Regardless of your reason for seeking out a surfing instructor there are a few things that you should consider mandatory, a long history of surfing, up-to-date first aid certification, proven surf rescue experience, and a thorough knowledge of wave, weather and wind conditions. Even experienced surfers will sometimes be caught off guard when the sets pop up a little early then expected.

If he can do lip tricks like lip slides and airs then he is a good surfer. Shortboards come in a variety of styles, but they are usually the thinnest kind of board with the least buoyancy. The ideal boards to learn to surf on would be 8-9 ft, and wider than usual.

In the early stages of your surfing career this is definitely the place to be. Having an experienced surfing teacher will help take a great deal of the frustration out of your learning curve, and you will improve quickly.

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