Monday, June 22, 2009

surfing safari - basic surfing

The North Shore on the island of Oahu has gigantic winter waves and is commonly referred to as wild water. The surf culture is so deeply rooted in Australia that coupled with the extensive coastline means that practically anywhere you go in Australia you will be able to find a good cheap surf school to get you through the basics and to the fun part within a few hours.

While in the 1960 s through the 1980 s it was unusual to see women in the water you can go to the beach now and see sometimes up to half of the people in the water are female. The more time that they ve been spent in the water, the greater their understanding of the ocean and weather conditions. Another good reason to not go it alone initially is because surfing, like any sport, can be dangerous for the uninitiated.

The deeper you can get under the wave, the safer you will be from the force of the breaking wave. The advantage of shortboards is that they are short enough and light enough to maneuver the expert surfing tricks. Your surfing instructor will be a knowledgeable advisor when it's time to find the right kind of board for you to graduate to after the softboard.

The midsize funboards can give you the stability of a longboard, but a little better maneuverability like a shortboard. Last but certainly not least, having an instructor to teach you the basics of surfing, safety, and the rules will help you get the most out of your surfing sessions, while making friends at local surf spots.

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